14 April 2011

transference 2.0

again. been a while. again. kind of moving.

have a lot less free time than the old blogging days. kind of disappointing actually. but feeling the itch just a bit.

dunno. we’ll see where this all goes.

20 January 2007


i've kind of switched over to wordpress.

you can check me out there.

i've moved most of all of my old posts from here to there.

it's still Mindless & Whimsical Rantings.

though blogger has added some new features which makes it slightly more appealing now.
but i just don't like google.


29 April 2006

been a while

well haven't i been busy the past few months! really, i've been working on other projects and this one has been left in the lurch. i promise to get back soon!

some good topics coming up will be (in no particular order):
  • microchips/RFID tags (in everything, but with particular reference to animals & people)
  • natural birth control (and why you should avoid having kids at all costs until you're prepared)
  • making fuel yourself (for any vehicle)
  • why you should start a local co-op (for food, fuel, & more)
  • local currency systems (and how our economy actually works)
  • the technically illegal amendments & laws we mindlessly obey
  • artificial sweeteners/flavors/colors & the problems they cause/aggravate
  • the massive over-drugging of the population (especially children)
  • why it's OK to be sad/mad/confused sometimes (i.e. you are not "clinically" depressed, evil, etc.)
  • the plethora of odd new diseases & disorders out there, their causes, and natural options for treatment (& even cure)
  • our bogus history books (and why i gave up archaeology & anthropology)


02 February 2006

compulsory vaccination

Did you know about The Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act (s. 1873)? If you haven't heard about it already, please read these articles here and here for a brief introduction.

or read the bill itself.

(and see this site for updated info on homeland insecurity legislation)

To give you a quick overview, this compulsory vaccination bill, if made into law, would require everyone, repeat, everyone to be vaccinated if a national emergency was called. This might not seem so bad at first, but here is the catch: you are not allowed to know what the ingredients are in the vaccine, not even through the Freedom of Information Act. Furthermore, if you have complications resulting from the vaccine, such as an allergic reaction to an (unknown to you) ingredient, an illness, or even death, you (or your family if you died) CANNOT seek legal compensation. Considering the more recent Vioxin/Vioxx shenanigans, this is something to seriously mull over. I personally prefer to be the one deciding what enters my body, and I like to know what it is too! What happened to freedom of choice? (Indeed, such a law would be infringing upon many other freedoms guaranteed by the first amendment.)

Besides, even if some people chose to risk being unvaccinated--just as some would choose to risk being vaccinated--and an unvaccinated one became ill, what do those vaccinated have to worry about? They are protected by their vaccine, right? So there is no need to force vaccination upon someone who does not wish it.....unless the vaccine does not actually prevent disease like the pharmaceutical companies, the doctors, and the politicians claim they do. Or perhaps one of those unknown ingredients has a rather alterior motive.....

Biodefense II is not law yet, but please keep a look out for it. They may try to tag it onto something completely unrelated like they did with the REAL ID Act, or propose it at such a time that congress cannot sufficiently debate it (or even read it for that matter!) like they did with FASCIST, oops, I mean PATRIOT ACTS.

Loads of fun!

topics: *POLITICS*, *HEALTH*

01 February 2006

the controversy of vaccinations

Yes there is a controversy. Amazing what we are not told, huh? Sometimes what you don’t know, can hurt you!

When discussing vaccines, it is important to keep in mind the following:

  • long-term studies (that is, over months or years) are not performed.
  • the early claim of vaccine “success” did not take into account the improvements of living standards and sanitation occurring before & during their introduction, nor even acknowledge the already decreasing occurrence of the diseases for which these vaccines were created.
  • the negative effects are often glanced over or ignored, even when the disease being vaccinated against increases after mass inoculations for it.
  • preventative options other than vaccinations are not discussed openly or adequately researched.
  • often those pushing a certain vaccine have a personal investment in it—that is, there are conflicts of interest, particularly financial ones.
  • vaccines are full of known or potentially harmful substances, such as formaldehyde, mercury, aluminum, the “dead” disease itself, and products derived from animals (for those vegetarians and vegans among you).
  • finally, imagine being an infant 6-weeks old and having multiple shots full of such ingredients bombarding your immature immune system. What long-term ill effects are we ignoring?
To avoid massive quoting, I am simply going to provide links to certain sites that have already gathered enormous amounts of information on vaccines. Please check these places out!

Many of these sites provide links to other organizations and websites dedicated to informing the public about vaccines. Don’t be afraid to do a little research of your own.

As a final note, I want to mention that animal vaccinations are more often than not unnecessary and harmful. The same amount given to a komondor (weighing 100-150 lbs) is given to a miniature poodle. Giving booster shots every year—even every few years—is almost completely unnecessary! There is even that not-so-odd occurrence when a pet gets ill and dies right after receiving its vaccinations or boosters.

A Personal Story: Indy, a lemon beagle belonging to my beau’s family, and quite healthy, is taken for a check-up & his boosters. Within two days he is seriously ill. The vet is surprised to find out that suddenly Indy has a serious cancer. The cancer spreads through his bloodstream. A week after the shots, he is dead. Obviously the only change in Indy’s life was the vaccine booster shots. Sometimes it is not so obvious or not so quick, and we do not make the connection between illness/death and vaccines.

As I said earlier, what you don’t know can hurt you and even kill you.

topics: *HEALTH*


...just in case...

i have to say that all information posted here is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical or legal advice, which only those licensed for such can legally offer. please consult with the healer of your choice for medical care and/or advice. but also please educate yourself and form your own opinions! don’t let othersnot even me!—think your thoughts for you or choose your beliefs!

i’m just calling your attention to a few things……think what you will.

topics: *ALL ELSE*, *POLITICS*

31 January 2006

admitting what we don't know

or this is not inevitable!

one giant (perhaps staggering?) thought/theory that should be kept in mind is that life as we know it doesn't have to be life as we know it. perhaps it could all be different. perhaps it could all change. even easily if we all agreed upon it. it wouldn't be this anymore. it could be that. maybe we would like that better. maybe we wouldn't. swirl it around a bit. what does the magic 8 ball have in store for us this time?

try again later.

ok then. if we aren't prepared to acknowledge the idea that life can be different and can actually change, then let's try admitting that we really don't know everything. in fact there is a lot out there we claim to know or we present as cold hard facts, when in reality so much of it is merely theoretical. hypothetical. and when new ideas, new theories that contradict or leave in the dust an older tenet of science or medicine or __________ (fill in the blank), how can we say for certain that the new is wrong? or that the old is wrong? why can't we simply admit their equal possibility until we can prove them utterly useless? we do not need a parental force to suppress or annihilate ideas & information in order to "protect" us from an upset of the status quo. if we cannot choose wisely for ourselves, then perhaps we should not be thinking so much at all.

what we must always remember, however, is how much our political, scientific, religious, medical, economic, etc. institutions have vested in us--the masses--completely bowing our heads to their tenets. if one day we all said "no more!".....well, what then?

they say that those who wield the power write the histories and those that control the money control our lives. perhaps then we should start being more serious about alternatives to money, to histories, to power in a few "royal and divinely mandated" hands.

again these are just a few thoughts to tumble around in your mind. their possibilities are up to the many and not to the few for once.

for once.

something to be taken advantage of then?

topics: *THOUGHT*

13 January 2006


one of my favorite quotes is by voltaire. it goes like this:

"earth is an insane asylum to which the other planets deport their lunatics"

i think it's something to keep in mind. the first part is definitely applicable. funny thing about the word "asylum". it has quite a few meanings, like "habitat, seclusion, refuge, hiding place, mental institution, and a bounded area....that is a prison or a cage." all perfect descriptions of our sweet earth. it's where we live, where we hide, where we seek sanctuary, where we are confined....with all the other loonies out there.

trying to make sense of nonsense is nearly impossible. good thing i don't overly worship logic & rationality, since reason onlt takes us so far. you can ride it there, certainly, but just remember when to get off.

topics: *THOUGHT*

12 January 2006

a small change of pace

i decided that being a little more informative couldn't hurt anything too horribly. that's what this blog is about--informing. all those little bits & pieces floating around out there. i figure i'll pick a few out, arrange them prettily, and display them here. if you wish to hear--pardon, read--me rant (or see cute pics of my animal friends) then your thirst can be quenched at Mindless & Whimsical Rantings.


topics: *ALL ELSE*