compulsory vaccination
or read the bill itself.
(and see this site for updated info on homeland insecurity legislation)
To give you a quick overview, this compulsory vaccination bill, if made into law, would require everyone, repeat, everyone to be vaccinated if a national emergency was called. This might not seem so bad at first, but here is the catch: you are not allowed to know what the ingredients are in the vaccine, not even through the Freedom of Information Act. Furthermore, if you have complications resulting from the vaccine, such as an allergic reaction to an (unknown to you) ingredient, an illness, or even death, you (or your family if you died) CANNOT seek legal compensation. Considering the more recent Vioxin/Vioxx shenanigans, this is something to seriously mull over. I personally prefer to be the one deciding what enters my body, and I like to know what it is too! What happened to freedom of choice? (Indeed, such a law would be infringing upon many other freedoms guaranteed by the first amendment.)
Besides, even if some people chose to risk being unvaccinated--just as some would choose to risk being vaccinated--and an unvaccinated one became ill, what do those vaccinated have to worry about? They are protected by their vaccine, right? So there is no need to force vaccination upon someone who does not wish it.....unless the vaccine does not actually prevent disease like the pharmaceutical companies, the doctors, and the politicians claim they do. Or perhaps one of those unknown ingredients has a rather alterior motive.....
Biodefense II is not law yet, but please keep a look out for it. They may try to tag it onto something completely unrelated like they did with the REAL ID Act, or propose it at such a time that congress cannot sufficiently debate it (or even read it for that matter!) like they did with FASCIST, oops, I mean PATRIOT ACTS.
Loads of fun!
topics: *POLITICS*, *HEALTH*